Friday, October 12, 2007


Life, it is only a word. A definition of what we have today. It is a word created by the weak hearted, the anxious and the dull. Man created this word to prove possession of time, an unattainable thing that stirs this universe and bounds every twitch in the delicate fabric of matter. We thought that everything was still in this place, all answers are in one question and all lives are defined by all deaths.

So if there is such a thing as end of time, will it be some significance to the non- existing? To the deep void that lurks in every shadow that is casted by the creeping light that seems to be your companion, your savior? You can never trust again, no light or darkness will save a pitiful soul that thinks of acquiring knowledge that is unfathomable. Your attempt is futile. Many of us now are bothered by the sky that governs night. Thinkers conclude ideas that seem to prove our possession of time, but they are never right. Why care to the night sky that seems to ignore us? The universe never cared. They don’t have emotions, or an earthly feeling that chains us to the ground so we will never exceed our knowledge of how will we dominate the universe. But still, that attempt is futile. Everything is futile.

There is heaven and hell, but not like what our elders used to say. They are the dominions that created time, and they are the proper owners of it. If eternity can never be measured in our universe, in heaven and hell they can. They can sum up eternity into simple definitions that our human logic cannot digest; they can express eternity in a second or in a blink. Eternity is only a word, just like time, we strive to measure it, and oppose its command over the universe. We are born unworthy. That's why every start is an end, and an end is a start, and many still attempt to proclaim themselves as intelligent life forms. It is the start of their end.

This is the story of my universe, my time and eternity. In this dominion, I share the truthfulness of my lies, where my purpose is to propagate disbelief to generate certainty. Where distrust is worthy of trust and faith to the unfaithful is the very principle of this dominion. Where matter tends to corrupt anti-matter and the intangible is felt. Many call this in different names, but they all weigh the same, and they don’t worth much as names. Just like my name, where it never existed as mine but it lived as a deathly ward.